Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Since starting this project I've really tried to learn as much about Ninjas as I possibly can. My homework consists of watching a ton of movies, reading Wikipedia entries, and trying to turn invisible. I found this educational slideshow on the Pirate vs. Ninja debate and, although I do not agree with the conclusion reached, there are many great arguments made that are truly illuminating. Check it out!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
More sketches.

Unfinished drawing.
Right now, I am doing a lot of experimentation. I have an idea of the kind of visual rhythm that I want AGP to have, but I think I still have a lot of exploration, practice and shooting darts in the dark to do before I finally achieve the style that I will be happy with.
Note to self: when the Higgins ink brand sells "super-white" ink, it really means "makes a goddamn transparent gray mess everywhere."
Off to my degrading day job. To the sushi restaurant!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Step 1: Evaluate your surroundings. Everything is black. It's very loud and uncomfortable. I am upside down and my brain feels like it's going to pop.
Step 2: Evaluate the extent of your danger. I am surprised to still be alive and am pretty sure I will die soon. Need to move fast.
Step 3: Evaluate your resources. Cotton pajamas, wood grain floor- blech, I forgot to vacuum today- my hairband. There's a warm body next to me. Probably dead now.
Knives are flying- mother is whispering to me. Comforting. I will die in- ten? Maybe twenty seconds.
Gotta move. Go!
Step 1: Evaluate your surroundings. Everything is black. It's very loud and uncomfortable. I am upside down and my brain feels like it's going to pop.
Step 2: Evaluate the extent of your danger. I am surprised to still be alive and am pretty sure I will die soon. Need to move fast.
Step 3: Evaluate your resources. Cotton pajamas, wood grain floor- blech, I forgot to vacuum today- my hairband. There's a warm body next to me. Probably dead now.
Knives are flying- mother is whispering to me. Comforting. I will die in- ten? Maybe twenty seconds.
Gotta move. Go!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Study, study, study, practice, practice, practice.
I had my laptop and sketchbook all ready for an intensive, three-hour session to work--both on AGP and a personal solo project-- at a wireless boba cafe that I frequent at way too much. But once I bought my Styrofoam cup of citron green tea and settled into my favorite table, I realized that I have forgotten my Snoopy pencil bag with all the respective drawing tools that I need. This made me very angry.
But all is not to waste. I have this book with me, which I bought from Borders a few days ago, which is a comic book instruction manual on how to draw perspectives. I love this book because it's both educational and fun, and not only that, teaches from a comic book artist perspective.
My basic drawing skills need a serious kick in the ass. The post-modern UCLA education hasn't exactly helped with the fact that I never received any formal drawing training in the classical sense of the word. I think I'm just going to have to do that a LOT from this point onward--play the piano scales, in the drawing sense, over and over and over, until I can move onto bigger and better things. Like samurai houses. And knife fights on a freeway overpass.
I also finally bit the bullet and bought a copy of The Watchmen. I look forward to immersing myself into it sometime this week.
If I don't have more drawing updates by the end of tomorrow, I owe someone a firstborn (not necessarily guaranteed to be my own.)
But all is not to waste. I have this book with me, which I bought from Borders a few days ago, which is a comic book instruction manual on how to draw perspectives. I love this book because it's both educational and fun, and not only that, teaches from a comic book artist perspective.
My basic drawing skills need a serious kick in the ass. The post-modern UCLA education hasn't exactly helped with the fact that I never received any formal drawing training in the classical sense of the word. I think I'm just going to have to do that a LOT from this point onward--play the piano scales, in the drawing sense, over and over and over, until I can move onto bigger and better things. Like samurai houses. And knife fights on a freeway overpass.
I also finally bit the bullet and bought a copy of The Watchmen. I look forward to immersing myself into it sometime this week.
If I don't have more drawing updates by the end of tomorrow, I owe someone a firstborn (not necessarily guaranteed to be my own.)
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
The first drawing ever.

This very, very rough scrawl may have been done on jittery nerves due to two cups of coffee and one small pot of Moroccan mint tea. I promise you, dear reader, that there will be many more to come.
Earlier tonight, I had a lot of brilliant things to say about the state of the graphic novel, the sad lack of female graphic novelists and the marginalization of comic book culture in this day and age. Maybe that will come in a future post when I am more awake.
But for the time being, I will say that once upon a time, when I was an art student at UCLA who would have sporadic crises on how I wanted to contribute creatively to society at large, I asked myself if I would rather be a world-famous gallery artist or a world-famous comic book artist.
Somehow, it wasn't too hard for me to choose the latter over the former. It is funny how the most important self-epiphanies tend to be, in hindsight, the most obvious.
Kim and I have the creative equivalent of the Ironman Triathlon ahead of us. To paraphrase a Ray Bradbury quotation, we are throwing ourselves off a cliff and hoping that we will find a way to build our wings on the way down.
It will be grueling. It will be epic.
Most importantly, if all goes as plans, it will get us Hot Nerd Ass.

This blog will never be lacking in gratuitous photographs of the two creators.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Road trip.
The Yumi and I had been throwing around the idea of doing a comic for awhile now, but in the same way that I had been throwing around the idea of getting a gym membership every January 1st. Nothing really started moving and shaking until we went on a weekend road trip up the coast. Starved for conversation to fill the 12 plus hours spent stuck in a car, we came back to this comic book idea. Maybe it was the awesome view, maybe it was the awesome company, maybe it was the free wine pours we got at Casa de Fruta- throwing around an idea became brainstorming and character developing and story planning. One of the ideas we had was to chronicle this creative experiment through a blog, and thus Posse Power was born. Updates will come at least three times a week, maybe more.
Expect more stories about our creative process, as well as character sketches and diary entries from the character. Ooooh as Kimmie learns how to do comic dialogue! Aaaah as Yumi learns to draw buildings and background! Come one, come all, and see Asian American girls stomp their stereotype as passive manga subjects to dust.
The Chronicles of a Comic Foretold
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